Paul's Projects

Git Projects

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Portfolio Website

Project intended to be a logbook of this website. All the past changes and experiments. This is only a version build with html, css and bootstrap, just for the startpoint. The future plans are that this website will use react for better fornt-end and express.js for back-end. The project is only used for personal learning of this area, not mine data science.

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Data Visualization Thesis

Thesis of my degree in computer engineering. Based on a circular data visualization build with R and its different packages, like the most used: ggplot2, circlize and ggraph. Utilities and examples. Although the thesis is only in spanish. If enough people ask for it, i can try to translate, but it's take time.

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Food Recipes Mobile App

Personal project for collect and use my list of food's recipes, that is update when i wanna cook other recipes. Based on Python, the interface kivy, firebase and buildozer for get de android version. This project born in the ashes of another mobile app for college assignment that involves the same tecnology, although there used to get the data from pressure sensors and temperature sensor to alert if the baby have or will have fever.

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Air Alcala

Full-stack web page for college assingment to see Model–view–controller (MVC), build with java. This web is intended to buy plane tickets, but if you login as administrator you'll can add new airports, routes and new planes to buy and travel.

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